Check out the lyrics to my new rap song, "Kidnapper".

Kidnapper, kidnapper,

you tweet about respect

seated on the crapper

while children’s lives are wrecked.

Kidnapper, kidnapper,

you tweet about respect

seated on the crapper

while parents' lives are wrecked.


How dare you steal my kid. 

Who said you could forbid

my right to see my son today?

What would Jesus and Mary say?

You had no right to move him,

you stole my right to soothe him.

You dragged him by the collar

and drugged and when he’d holler.


Kidnapper, kidnapper,

you tweet about respect

seated on the crapper

while children’s lives are wrecked.


Where are all the children

warehoused in tents and cages

built by wealthy businessmen

whose rents are so outrageous?

They’re cashing in like bandits,

your greedy benefactors,

Countless kids are stranded;

you label them as actors.


Kidnapper, Kidnapper,

you tweet about respect.

Seat on the crapper

while countless lives are wrecked.


The slander you've been spewing,

and rampant child abuse

will now be your undoing,

completely self-induced.


Kidnapper Kidnapper,

you tweet about respect

seated on the crapper

while children’s lives are wrecked.

Kidnapper, Kidnapper,

you tweet about respect

seated on the crapper

while parents' lives are wrecked.


You whine about fake newz.

You’ll never shine his shoes.


Lyrics & Music by Pat Tomasso © 2018 All Rights Reserved.

Pat Tomasso